HomeBinder Membership:

FREE with your Home Inspection!

Unlock the full potential of your 4 Corners Home Inspection with a complimentary HomeBinder membership. Elevate your home management experience in Middle Tennessee with automated maintenance reminders, streamlined home inventory organization, saved contractor details, and comprehensive home improvement project information. Enjoy 1GB of storage, automated alerts for appliance recalls, and advanced reporting options—all included with your inspection.

HomeBinder Benefits:

  • Store contractor info so you never lose a plumber’s number.
  • Start an online home inventory to prepare for a fire or theft.
  • Schedule reminders to stay on your regular maintenance.
  • Share seller’s reports to better market your home during a sale.
  • Free recall check for appliances, providing an added layer of safety and peace of mind.

HomeBinder Assistant – Your Free Move-in Concierge

Moving is hard work. Save time and leave the utilities and services set up to the pros while getting the best deals in your area.

How it Works: HomeBinder Assistant provides you with a single point of contact to help you navigate the multitude of options and prices for essential services. They handle the setup of your utilities and services, ensuring a seamless transition into your new home.


  • Save time and effort during your move.
  • Get the best deals on TV, internet, utilities, and home security.
  • Enjoy a hassle-free setup with a dedicated concierge service.

Services Offered:

  • TV
  • Internet
  • Utilities
  • Home Security